Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Blog about another Blog

So Xan was right. He's been trying to get me to read this for weeks, and I finally did. Thank you.

This guy writes a column about various actor type things - this one is about sticking it out in LA. My favorite part is the guy saying that if you don't live _in_ LA instead of near/around/proximal to it, "you are what we call, 'Thespianclosebut nocigarus.'"

Here is the article: Movin' Out

My show is done after this weekend, and I am currently at a temp job for two weeks that they want me to extend to six weeks. I desperately need the money, but I also want to be able to keep auditioning and not lose my momentum...hard to know what to do. But if I work for six weeks, I would probably be set for another four at least...decisions.

Also, Xan and I are doing a cold reading workshop on Monday in front of the casting director for Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice. We're going to get cast on those shows.

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