Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tear Pricks on the Bus

I was reading an article on immigration reform in The Sun magazine, which I absolutely love to read when I have time. It's always timely, thought provoking, interesting, and very human to the point of sometimes being very sad. But it's great. I highly recommend it.

Anyway - the immigration article was actually an interview with Pramila Jayapal, an author and immigration activist. Towards the end of the interview she talked about a note she received from one of the people she had helped - he wrote "If we had never met, I would have dreamed you into being." Tear prick one. What an awesome thing to say.

And then she finished the interview saying this - "I think we have to dream what we want to see happen. And then we have to work for it."

New mantra. Tears prickle happily.

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